Peyronie's disease is a non cancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that causes a bend in the penis, making erections painful.This disorder causes an irregular curve in the penis, which is produced by patches of hardened scar tissue that grow underneath the penile skin's surface. Scarring reduces the flexibility of the penis, which can lead to pain and difficulty with erections and sexual intercourse.

We don't know exactly what causes Peyronie's disease, but many doctors believe the scarring is caused by abnormal wound healing. According to studies, the condition can occur as a result of trauma to the penis. This can happen if your erect penis is injured by rough, vigorous sex, a hard knock in the crotch during contact sports, or a cruel prank. It's possible that you aren't even aware of the injury.
When a wound heals, your body normally breaks down the scar tissue and shrinks it over time. However, this process is not always flawless, and an excessive quantity of scar tissue forms instead. Your body attempts to break down and restructure this scar tissue over time in order to lessen its size.
The resulting plaques are hard and inflexible, causing the penis to lose its elasticity and bend in the area where the scarring is present. The curvature can be significant enough to make penetration difficult, whether vaginal, oral, or anal.
Peyronie's disease progresses in two stages:
plaque formation stages

1. Active phase
The Active Phase lasts between one to two years. During this time, the aberrant wound healing process continues to occur, and the penis continues to bend slowly. Peyronie's disease produces pain and discomfort in the penis during this stage.
2. Chronic phase
When the pain subsides and the curvature of the penis does not worsen any further, the illness is said to have stabilised.
Peyronie's disease appears to be influenced by genetics and age. Some people have a hereditary predisposition to the illness since it is genetic and runs in families.
As people get older, tissue changes lead to easier injury and delayed healing. As a result, they are at a higher risk of developing this disease.
Peyronie's disease is also more likely to occur among those who have Dupuytren's contracture (hand thickening that causes the fingers to draw inward). We recommend patients to get Curved Penis Treatment as soon as possible.
Let's understand more about Peyronie's Disease
Those affected with the disease especially in the active phase may opt for nonsurgical treatment modalities. Types of Curved Penis Treatment include:
Low intensity shockwave treatment is used to break up the abnormal scar tissue in the penis. When these waves are directed into the plaque, they can cause the plaque to break down mechanically. The targeted shock waves also aid in the promotion of blood flow to the plaque-affected area, which supports the formation of specific blood cells called macrophages, which lyse or "digest" the plaque.
During the acute or even the stable phase of Peyronie's disease, ESWT is the most effective treatment for the pain associated with the disease.
Typically, 4-6 sessions are needed to effectively control this condition.
When ESWT is used to rectify the bend in the penis, several doctors have noticed an improvement in the curvature of the penis.
A sample of your blood is spun down in specialised tubes in a centrifuge to produce PRP, a specific golden extract rich in growth factors. Platelet rich plasma, a concentrated blood extract, is then injected into the scar or painful area.
The injections aid in lowering the inflammation and promoting tissue repair. PRP is already used by athletes to speed up the recovery from sports related injuries. PRP is also currently being utilised to treat erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health issues.
Research indicated that PRP can reduce plaque size by 50%, enhance penis curvature by 50%, and lessen the pain by 80%.

A vacuum erection device consists of a cylinder connected to a pump. When the equipment is switched on, it creates a suction that draws blood into the penis. This is a specific penis lengthening and straightening device that is worn for 6-9 hours every day.

Surgery is indicated only in extreme situations.When the Peyronie's disease has stabilised and the abnormal curvature has reached its peak and is not progressing further may surgery be performed, indicating that the disease is in its chronic phase.
To balance out the curvature, Tunica Albuginea Plication is done which involves stitching tissue on the opposite side of the affected area.
Plaque incision and grafting is a treatment that involves cutting off the abnormal plaques and filling them with tissue from another place of your body. This is only done in more severe cases.
Other Cause of Bent Penis
How many sessions will I need?Different individuals will need a different number of sessions. Individuals with more severe ED may require more sessions. We typically go by 6 sessions or 12 sessions as followed by protocol. You may opt for twice or three times of ESWT sessions per week.
How often should you repeat ESWT?It is advisable to repeat the ESWT 1-3times per year as maintenance.
Are there any side effects from this therapy?There is literally NO side effects from ESWT, further proving to be a effective and safe choice of therapy for ED.
What should I prepare prior to ESWT?Patients need not worry about any prior preperation for ESWT! No prior fasting required, only to be present for the doctor to perform the therapy on.